Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Task 2

1) Rayner, Philip, Wall, Peter, Kruger, Stepher (2001): AS Media Studies: The Essential Introduction, London; Routledge
Page 68

"Youth has tended over the later half of the twentieth century to suffer from a rather negative representation in the media. Youth has always provided the media with ample opportunities for negative representation of young people."

This quote links to my ciritical investigation as youth are targetted negatively in the media and also ecpecially males in urban dramas.

2) Woodward, K. (1997): Concepts of Identity and difference. London; Sage Books. Page 64

Discourses and systems of representation construct places from which individuals can position themselves and from which they can speak. . . . The media can be seen as providing us with the information which tells us what it feels like to occupy a particular subject - position. The streetwise teenager, the upwardly mobile worker or the caring patient.
This would help me and would also link to my critical investigation as they are both linked as representation is common in them, i could also compare the representation to teenagers from this.

3) Bennett, Peter, Slater, Jerry and Wall Peter. (2006): A2 Media Studies: The Essential Introduction. Oxon; Routledge. Page 133

Youth - orientated films such as 'Rebel without a cause' (1955) and 'The Wild One' (1953) were accused of encouraging delinquency and driving a wedge between the younger and older generations.

This quote would link to my critical investigation as the two films, Rebel Without a Cause and The Wild One would link to my case study and i would be able to use ideas from these movies and also see the difference between younger and older generations.

4) O' Sullivan, T, Hantley, J, Saunders, D, Montgomery, M and Fiske, J. (1994): Key Concepts in communication and cultural studies. London; Routledge. Page 229

Stereotypes tend to be resistant to change; Second, they generally carry a pejorativve and narrow range of meanings.

I could link this to my critical investigation as this books quote and my investigation has stereotypes in common.

5) Casey, Bernadette, Casey, Neil, Calvery, Ben, French, Liam and Lewis, Justin. (2002): Television Studies - The Key Concepts. London; Routledge. Page 229

Today, it is widely recognised that stereotypes are inaccurate, simplistic generalisations about a group of individuals that may lead to particular perceptions of the group by others.
This quote would link to my investigation task as i would be able to investigate and research about peoples views of teenage male and what they are stereotyped as in the media's view. I could also gain information and views of what different groups think of male teens.

6) Sardar, Ziauddin, Loon, Borin (2000): Introducing Media Studies, UK; Totem Books.
Page 77

"Stan Cohen argued that the media labelled youth culture in a stereotyped and negative way, thus creating "folk devils" and were reported in a way to create a moral panic."

This would definately link to my investigation as Stan Cohen says that the youth are stereotyped negatively. this is true to a certain extent. It is also true that the youth of today create moral panic.

7) Hayward, Susan. (2000): Cinema Studies - The Key Concepts. London; Routledge. Page 358

Stereotypes come and go, they also change in the light of the shifting political cultural context. Take for example the representation of communists and communism in Hollywood Cinema from the 1950's to the 1990's.

This would help me and guide me to look out for how stereotypes have changed throughout the years and what they have come from and become into. i would also have communists views on this. It also links to my investigation as it involves film.

8) Lacey, Nick. (2000): Narative and Genre, Key concepts in Media Studies. London; Palgrave. Page 138

We associate guns and decrepit city streets with the crime genre; iconography in the western is very exact, possibly because of its very focused time period, the ren allon hat, the six-gun, horses, tumbleweed and so on.

This quote would help me as i would be able to link this genre to my investigation in different ways. Such as guns in street crime, many teenage males carry weapons with them now and this would increase the crime rate.

9) Strinati, Dominic. (2000). An Introduction to studying polular culture. London; Routledge. Page 57.

The determining influence exerted by Hollywood cinema and the studio system over the production of gangster films has usefully been highlighted by Ryall. Ryall suggests that the ways in which the studios were organised to produce films can be seen as determining factors of the individual film.

I would be able to link this as it would be referring to male teens by talking about gangster movies.

10) Rayner, Philip, Wall, Peter, Kruger, Stephen. (2001). AS Media Studies. The Essential Introduction. London; Routledge. Page 69

The unfortunate side effect to stereotypes is to dehumanise people by denying them the complex psychological make up that individual possesses by reducing them to a few generalised personality traits. As Tessa Perkins has pointed out, some stereotypes are based on truth that can be observed.

This quote would refer to peoples stereotypes to be genuine and unreal. It would link to my investigation as many stereotypes of male teens may be true but some stereotypes may only be assumptions for some male teenagers.

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