Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Self Evaluation

I will now be writing about the feedback i have retreived from the class on mine and my groups presentation.


  • What went well in out presentation was that the class felt that our presentation contained alot of thorough explanation of the topic we did out presentation on. The class also beleived that the setup of out presentation was good and that we had used a decent amount of media key terminology.
  • Another thing that went well was that the presentation was pre-planned and all group members had known what they had to say before hand. The class also liked the way our presentation was like a conversation amongst our group members. It kept the class paying attension as we also had information about out topic to speak about rapidly in turns.
  • The class also liked the fact that we had less writing on the board and more pictures which we explained through words to the class, this would give them a photographic explanation of what we are trying to say and it would make them more interested in the presentation rather than bored.
  • All 3 group members spoke for an equal a amount of time and had a different part of the topic to speak about. this kept the presentation going and made the class feel more involved
  • We also demonstrated and showed the class a mock up of our magazine to give them a quick little teaser of what our magazine cover would look like when completed as a final.

  • What the class felt that let us down was that each group member had been well organised but was reading their speech off a paper which caused each member to look down most of the time rather than focusing on the audience. This could be imporved on by rehersing most of the information which has to be said rather than relying on a peice of paper.
  • It would have been better if we had more information about the publisher on the actual presentation, we had included information about the institution but the info about the publisher was also nessesary.
  • Another thing we could have imporved on was that we could have spread ourself around the board rather than being cramped in the corner.
  • We could have also used the interactive whiteboard more usefully as we could have used the pen to change slides and point at pictures whilst explaining for a clearer explanation to the class, instead of this we used the keyboard which was something that could have been changed.

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