Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Audience Theory

Audience theories is based around many different theories. One theory involved within this theory is the Two Step FLow, this is when ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders in wider poulations. Many theories are involved in the audience theory, another theory is the Reception Theory which emphasises the readers reception of a literacy text.

The HYpodermic Theory has a large impact on audiences as this is when media texts have effects on audiences. The Uses and Gratification Theory is also involved within this is not a single approach but a body of approaches developed out of empirical studies beginning in the mid 20th century.

Audiences would be Rhetoric by this which means to be persuaded and attracted towards the text. Surveilance could also be monitored, this is when changing behaviour and activities are observed. By becoming the audience individuals would also use Cultural Transmission which is when people are grouped and they pass on societies updated information.

Audience would also be entertained by this as they would be amused by the entertainment and it would be used as leisure time. Correlation would also increase because of this between two ranndom variables.

My words linked to the Audience Theory were : Entertainent, Correlation, Personal Identity, Cultural Transmission, Surveilance, Two Step Flow, Rhetoric, Reception Theory, Uses and Gratification Theroy and Hypodermic Needle Theory !

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Criticat Investigation + Linked Production

Criticat Investigation - Horror Film

The Critical Investigation i will be looking at is Horror Film. This would involve looking at different horror movies such as Saw, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Omen and Orphan. By looking at different horror films i would be able to see the codes and conventions of different films and how they come under the genre: horror. i would be able to see if they are horror of not by certain key points such as lighting, sound and etc.

5 words about Horror Film from A-Z

  • Sound Effects - enhanced sound added to a film or television programme during post production - this would link to horror film as sound effects in horror movies would be different which would make the viewerr feel the way the character in the film is feeling e.g. if the character is scared slow full music would be played.
  • soft focus - the use of special lense or filter to create a hazy light around the subject - this would fit in with horror films as if there is something scary it may have a soft focus e.g. a dead body
  • voice over - a dubbing over someones voice in a film or production - this could be part of a horror movie to tell the story as a narator.
  • bootleg - illegal copy of a media product - this could be spreaded and sold as pirate dvd when the film is new in the cinema.
  • big close up - close camera shot - may be to signify something imoortant in the film

Linked Production - Horror Trailer

The linked production would be on a Horror Trailer. I could watch different movie trailers and analyse them and also compare simularities such as voices, lighting, sound etc. this would also be linked to the critical investigation as they are both horror. the same key points would be considered but trailers would only focus on certain scenes.

5 words about Horror Trailers
from A - Z

  • Cut - A type of moving image which is edited and chopped to change into another image - this would be the case in horror trailers to develop suspence and it would also be shown as trailers are not long to show each and every clip.
  • Leak - un official release of a secret - this could go with a horror trailer as it may be organised but the trailer may meant to come out next year but comes out tomorow by it being leaked. this could make a loss for the institution
  • Pornography - Sexual Acts - As Horror movies are mainly 18 rated Sexual scenes could also be in the trailers.
  • Rushes - daily footage of film - Could show the plot in the film such as a main area or - street.
  • Subgenre - a film genre genre that exists within a larger genre - this could be shown in the trailer as a movie could have more than 1 genree eg Horror, Romance and Action